Pizza Talk With Me Episode 13: Pizzeria Davide in the Strip District

Delicious pizza for all your summer outings

Delicious pizza for all your summer outings

Pizzeria Davide: Pizza Talk With Me Episode 13
Christa Cardone & Dan Tallarico

In this episode we declare Pizzeria Davide the official pizza of the Dogs Day of Summer. This is an elusive prize for pizzerias because eating a hot slice of pizza on a sweltering day may be overwhelming. But because Pizzeria Davide uses such fresh, delicious, ingredients their pizza is instantly refreshing. I could blend this up and drink it like a pizza smoothie!

Our Order

  • Pizzeria Davide Old World Style Pizza

  • The Lebanon Sweet Bologna & Hot Pepper Relish Pizza

  • The house salad

  • A secret meatball dish!

Pizza News

  • The Best Pizza City in America is Portland, Oregon - We can’t go one episode without discussing a list anointing a new city the pizza capitol of the world. This week we discuss how Nathan Myhrvold and Francisco Migoya ate their away through a handful of cities to decide the best pizza city. They of course missed out on Pittsburgh, but that’s okay, because I already documented the next generation of Pittsburgh Pizza in my Guidebook.

  • East End Brewing Opens Up Permanent In-House Pizzeria, East End Chewing - East End Brewing has been a staple in the Pittsburgh beverage scene since I can remember. They are always celebrating every aspect of the city in unique ways. Ways that don’t seem pandering, they love the city with such earnestness. They’ve been experimenting with serving pizzas throughout the pandemic and have decided to make the move permanent. Much like their series of beers for each Pittsburgh neighborhood, it sounds like each week they’ll have a new pizza for a specific Pittsburgh neighborhood. Excited to drink the Bloomfield Pizza with an Italian Pilsner!

  • Chuck E Cheese Frozen Pizza Arrives in Krogers Across the Country - Take the rate’s pizza home with you! It even has tickets in it!

Questions We Answer

  • What is the best cold one to have with a pizza?

  • Can dogs eat pizza?

  • What is the opposite of pizza?

  • When are we doing a Sir Pizza episode?

  • and more!

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Pizza Talk With Me Episode 12: Caliente Brooklyn Pizza

Caliente Brooklyn Pizza
Pizza Talk With Me Episode 12
Christa Cardone & Dan Tallarico

It was only a matter of time before we would bump into local pizza heroes, Caliente. Maybe you’ve seen their billboards along 376 East heading into the city? About five miles out from the Liberty Tunnels is a billboard explaining that Caliente Pizza & Drafthouse is a multi-Pizza Championship winning pizza parlor. We of course broke the story of their first victory back in 2016 where they premiered the Quack Attack.

Caliente has wasted no time in expanding their pizza empire across the Pittsburgh area. As I write this, Caliente is working on opening a new story in Sewickley (in the old Sharp Edge) which will be their sixth location.

Their menu is vast. Clearly not sticking to any specific guidelines their mantra seems to be “develop the best, most interesting pizza on earth.” So far they’ve been awarded with enough accolades to fill up a few billboards.

On this week’s episode, Christa and I sample a sliver of the Caliente menu. We bite into their absurdly large Brooklyn pizza (which requires a custom box!) and their garden salad. Does it pass the crunch with your munch test?

We also get in touch with a real life Brooklander to give us the deal on Brooklyn pizza.