Former employee charged with running big-money scam on Ross pizza shop accounts →
Imagine returning from your trip to Italy, studying pizza formations and meeting with the finest pizzaiolos, only to find that your most loved employee has stolen thousands from your pizza shop.
I wonder if the “former manager” was secretly a calzone enthusiast…
A former manager of a Ross pizza shop accused of stealing tens of thousands in fraudulent credit card refunds from his employer is expected to surrender this morning on felony theft charges, the Allegheny County district attorney’s office said today. Prosecutors said Franco Asturi, 42, used a credit card machine owned by Mamma Lucia Pizza to process the fraudulent refunds, then transferred more than $60,000 from the pizza shop bank account into his own personal accounts. The business’ bank records showed that about $126,000 in fraudulent refunds were processed starting in May 2010, most credited to the same credit card linked to an account in Mr. Asturi’s name, a detective with the DA’s office wrote in a criminal complaint. The pizza shop owner, Paul Mancino, discovered something was