As someone who has an OCD level problem with leaving behind scraps of pizza (Yes, I even eat other people’s crust off their plate), I can’t imagine what it’s like to have to give away scraps. If I were the type of person who couldn’t finish a pizza (i.e. a wuss or spider) I wouldn’t just toss them haphazardly into the break room for other humans to fight over. I’d wrap them up with little bows and present them to my favorite co-workers. Never would they feel like a lesser person, but they would know that the pizza I’m giving them is just as hearty and delicious as the pizza I am working to digest. I’d let them know that sometimes pizza eaten asynchronously from one another is just as good as synchronous pizza eating.
The below rule might even be more important than the inverse-pyramid-rule.
A rule in journalism: When the advertising people are done with their catered lunch meeting, the editorial people are offered the scraps. It happened at my old paper, and it happens here. My belly was grumbling when the cattle call was announced in the newsroom that leftovers were in the breakroom. I ate several slices of cheese pizza at someone else’s desk (I was visiting a satellite office today). Hopefully I didn’t stain any of his notes…